# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 Christopher Kirkos. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Created on May 2, 2011
Statistic generation for DISim
:Author: Christopher Kirkos
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scikits.statsmodels as sm
import numexpr as ne
#from itertools import product
from os.path import isdir, join as pathjoin
[docs]def standardizeCoeff(A, sample=True):
"""Element-wise, subtract the mean of the values from each value and
divide by the standard deviation.
:param numpy.Array A: A numpy array.
:param bool sample: Whether the `Array` `A` represents a sample or
population (True if sample).
:returns: A copy/view of the input Array with values standardized.
:rtype: numpy.Array
sp = 1 if sample else 0 # sample standard deviation or population?
return (A-np.mean(A))/np.std(A,ddof=sp)
[docs]def optimizedMinmax(A, newMin=0.0, newMax=1.0):
"""An optimized version of `minmax` using `numexpr`."""
mn, mx = np.min(A), np.max(A)
return ne.evaluate("(((A-mn)/(mx-mn))*(newMax-newMin))+newMin")
[docs]def minmax(A, newMin=0.0, newMax=1.0):
"""Min-Max normalization.
:param numpy.Array A: A 1D numpy Array object.
:param float newMin: The new minimum value.
:param float newMax: The new maximum value.
:returns: A copy/view of the input Array with values normalized.
:rtype: numpy.Array
mn, mx = np.min(A), np.max(A)
return (((A-mn)/(mx-mn))*(newMax-newMin))+newMin
[docs]def runOLSRegression1997(expTrialLogFilePath,
trickleDirection = "down",
peripheralTieRange = (0,185),
densityRange = None,
"""Perform Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression on the trial output
data to determine which parameters have the most effect on the extent
of peripheral diffusion.
:param str expTrialLogFilePath: The full path to the experiment's trial
log file.
:param str trickleDirection: Either "up" or "down". If "up", core diffusion
is selected as the dependent variable in the
regression analysis. If "down", peripheral
diffusion is selected as the dependent
:param boolean withBoundaryAnalysis: Whether or not to include the boundary
weaknesses and pressure points in the
multiple regression.
:param tuple peripheralTieRange: Limit the regression analysis to the
records where the number of peripheral
ties is within (including) the specified
range (min, max). If `None` is specified,
then the range defaults to the entire
range of the sample (no restriction).
:param tuple densityRange: Limit regression analysis to the records where
the peripheral density is within (including)
the specified range (Eg. *(0,0.5)*). If `None`
is specified, then no density restriction is
placed on the records.
.. note::
The original authors only simulated with the number of peripheral
ties within range [0,185]. In their second set of simulations, they
performed regressions on the same simulation but split the data set
by density of peripheral ties. They split it in half with the first
set having density <=0.5 and the second set with records having
density >0.5. This is the reasoning behind the `peripheralTieRange`
and `densityRange` function parameters.
# 7 Columns (from log file):
# (0) periphery ties
# (1) ambiguity Ai
# (2) trial #
# (3) # core adopters
# (4) total # core nodes
# (5) # periph adopters
# (6) total # periph nodes
# (7) # boundary weaknesses
# (8) # boundary pressure points
# Test output path, create new output name
if outFilePath and isdir(outFilePath):
ptr = peripheralTieRange
ptiesStr = "{0:d}To{1:d}PTies-".format(ptr[0],ptr[1]) if ptr else ""
dr = densityRange
pdensStr = "PDensity{0:.2f}To{1:.2f}-".format(dr[0],dr[1]) if dr else ""
boundStr = "{0:s}Boundaries".format( "With" if withBoundaryAnalysis \
else "Without" )
fname = "Regression-{0:s}{1:s}{2:s}.txt".format(ptiesStr,pdensStr,
outFilePath = pathjoin(outFilePath,fname)
# Import trial data from CSV file
trialLogArray = np.genfromtxt(expTrialLogFilePath, dtype=np.float,
depIdx = 5 if trickleDirection=="down" else 3
diffIndepIdx = 3 if trickleDirection=="down" else 5
# y is the dependent variable, the number of peripheral adopters
y = yorig = trialLogArray[:,depIdx]
x1 = trialLogArray[:,1] # Ambiguity
x2 = trialLogArray[:,diffIndepIdx] #/trialLogArray[:,4] # Diffusion
# numexpr optimized version to calculate peripheral density
x3 = optimizedCalcPeriphDensity(trialLogArray[:,0], trialLogArray[:,4],
diffDepStr = "Core" if trickleDirection=="down" else "Peripheral"
yname = "%s diffusion" % "Peripheral" if trickleDirection=="down" else "Core"
xnames = ["Ambiguity", "%s diff." % diffDepStr, "Per. Dens."]
indep = [x1,x2,x3] # independent variables
if withBoundaryAnalysis:
x4 = trialLogArray[:,7] # weaknesses
x5 = trialLogArray[:,8] # pressure points
xnames.extend(["Weaknesses", "Press. Pnts"])
# Begin down selecting records based on input conditions
pties = trialLogArray[:,0]
ptr0,ptr1 = peripheralTieRange if peripheralTieRange else \
(np.min(pties), np.max(pties))
# selecting on pties, the # peripheral ties
tieMask = np.ma.masked_inside(pties, ptr0, ptr1)
densA = optimizedCalcNxDensity(trialLogArray[:,0], trialLogArray[:,4],
dr0,dr1 = densityRange if densityRange else (np.min(densA), np.max(densA))
# Todo: ask authors which density they used? Nx or peripheral..
# (originally) selecting on x3, the peripheral density independent variable
# selecting on densA, the network density
densityMask = np.ma.masked_inside(densA, dr0, dr1)
combinedMaskVals = tieMask.mask & densityMask.mask
indep = map(lambda x: x[combinedMaskVals], indep)
y = y[combinedMaskVals]
yorig = yorig[combinedMaskVals]
# ensure we didn't down select to 0 sized arrays
for x in indep + [y,yorig]:
if len(x) <= 0:
return None
# standardize all coefficients
indep = map(standardizeCoeff, indep)
y = standardizeCoeff(y)
# X represents the independent control variables
X = np.array(indep, dtype=np.float).transpose()
olsRegression = sm.OLS(y,X)
olsFit = olsRegression.fit()
regstats = (olsFit, (np.mean(yorig), np.std(yorig), np.min(yorig),
if outFilePath != None:
with file(outFilePath, 'w') as outFileP:
outFileP.write("Regression Summary\n")
outFileP.write(olsFit.summary(yname=yname, xname=xnames))
outFileP.write("\nMean: %f\nStdDev: %f\nMin: %f\nMax: %f\n" % \
(regstats[1]) )
return regstats
[docs]def possibleTies(numberOfNodes, numCoreNodes):
""" Calculates the max number of ties for a network with given node
Total undirected simple edges = (n*(n-1))/2
Total peripheral ties = ties between nodes in the periphery and themselves,
AND ties between nodes in the periphery and in the core core.
Total peripheral ties is calculated as the ...
Total possible ties in the network minus the total ties between core nodes.
:param integer numberOfNodes: The number of nodes in the network.
:param integer numCoreNodes: The number of nodes in the core.
:return: Tuple of the number of total possible ties in
the network, the total possible core ties,
and the total possible peripheral ties.
.. todo::
Write latex set notation to represent this calculation in the
totalPossibleTies = int( (numberOfNodes*(numberOfNodes-1))/2 )
totalPossibleCoreTies = int( (numCoreNodes*(numCoreNodes-1))/2 )
totalPossiblePeriphTies = int( totalPossibleTies - totalPossibleCoreTies )
return (totalPossibleTies, totalPossibleCoreTies, totalPossiblePeriphTies)
[docs]def calcPerpipheralDensity(pties,coreNodes,periphNodes):
"""Calculate peripheral density, which is the number of ties in the
periphery divided by the number of possible ties in the periphery.
All input values are scalars, not arrays/matrices.
:param integer pties: The number of ties in the periphery.
:param integer coreNodes: The number of nodes in the core.
:param integer periphNodes: The number of nodes in the periphery.
totalNodes = coreNodes+periphNodes
totalPossiblePeriphTies = possibleTies(totalNodes, coreNodes)[2]
return pties/totalPossiblePeriphTies
[docs]def optimizedCalcPeriphDensity(pt,cn,pn):
"""An optimized version of `calcPeripheralDensity` using the numexpr
All input parameters are numpy Arrays.
tn = cn+pn # total nodes
# totalPossibleTies = (tn*(tn-1))/2.0
# totalPossibleCoreTies = (cn*(cn-1))/2.0
# tot possible periph ties = totalPossibleTies - totalPossibleCoreTies
# actual peripheral ties / tot possible periph ties
# pt/(( (tn*(tn-1))/2.0 ) - ( (cn*(cn-1))/2.0 ))
return ne.evaluate("pt/( ((tn*(tn-1))/2.0) - ((cn*(cn-1))/2.0) )")
[docs]def optimizedCalcNxDensity(pt,cn,pn):
"An optimized version of `calcNxDensity`"
tn = cn+pn
return ne.evaluate("(pt+((cn*(cn-1))/2.0)) / ((tn*(tn-1))/2.0)")
[docs]def calcNxDensity(pties,coreNodes,periphNodes):
"""Calculate the density of a network with the given number of peripheral
ties, core nodes, and peripheral nodes"""
totalPossibleTies, totalPossibleCoreTies, totalPossiblePeriphTies = \
possibleTies(coreNodes+periphNodes, coreNodes)
return (pties+totalPossibleCoreTies)/totalPossibleTies
if __name__ == "__main__":
import disim
basepath = '/home/prima/Development/tmp/disim/testreg'
infile = 'experimentTrialLog-n31.csv'
disim.fullRegressionAnalysis(basepath, infile)