Source code for disim.graphsearch
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 Christopher Kirkos. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.
Created on May 4, 2011
:author: Christopher Kirkos
Boundary Pressure Points
*"In sum, we define a boundary pressure point as a concentration of social
ties linking potential adopters of an innovation in one segment of a
network to a potential adopter in another segment of that network."*
([AR1997]_ p. 300).
*"... in the second set of simulations, we operationalized boundary
pressure points by counting each non-focal potential adopter that
communicates with at least half of the focal potential adopters. We also
tried proportions other than one half, and the results did not differ
substantially."* ([AR1997]_ p. 300).
Boundary Weaknesses
*"...we operationalized boundary weaknesses by counting each non-focal
potential adopter that satisfied two conditions: the potential adopter
had to communicate with a focal potential adopter, and it had to have
assessed profits high enough such that one adoption would create enough
impetus for this potential adopter to adopt"* ([AR1997]_ p. 300).
*"A boundary weakness occurs ... when potential adopter F both has ties
bridging two sides of a boundary and has a low adoption threshold. A single
adoption can cause such a weakly linked potential adopter to adopt..."*
([AR1997]_ p. 300).
*"In sum, we define a boundary weakness as a social tie linking a potential
adopter of an innovation in one segment of a network to a potential adopter,
in another segment of that network, who is highly predisposed to adopting
this innovation."* ([AR1997]_ p. 300).
from __future__ import division
[docs]class GraphFilter(object):
"""An abstract base class defining the structure of `GraphFilter` objects.
`GraphFilter` objects act as a callable filter for graphs. Their intent is
to be used as a way to restrict the output in large simulation to only
graphs with properties of interest.
The class instance itself is callable (acts like a function)
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, G):
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
[docs]class TrueFilter(GraphFilter):
"Always returns True when called (all graphs are valid)."
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __call__(self, G):
return True
[docs]class FalseFilter(GraphFilter):
"Always returns False when called (all graphs are invalid)."
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __call__(self, G):
return False
[docs]class WPPFilter(GraphFilter):
"""A `GraphFilter` that includes only those graph that have boundary
weaknesses or pressure points over a given threshold
(count of # occurrences in graph > specified threshold).
def __init__(self, weaknessThresh=1, pressurePointThresh=1,
*args, **kwargs):
#super(WPPFilter, self).__init__(G)
#self.wpp_cache = {}
def __call__(self, G):
#if not G in self.wpp_cache:
# self.wpp_cache[G] = findWeaknessesAndPressurePoints(G)
#w,pp = self.wpp_cache[G]
w,pp = findWeaknessesAndPressurePoints(G,
if len(w) >= self.weaknessThresh or \
len(pp) >= self.pressurePointThresh:
return True
return False
GRAPH_FILTERS = {"all":TrueFilter, "none":FalseFilter,"wpp":WPPFilter}
[docs]def clearWPPCache():
"Delete all entries in Weaknesses and Pressure Points Cache."
global WPP_CACHE
[docs]def findWeaknessesAndPressurePoints(G, proportion=1/2,
"""Searches a graph for nodes that match the conditions for boundary
weaknesses and boundary pressure points as given by [AR1997]_.
:param networkx.Graph G: The networkx Graph object representing the network
:param int A_i: The ambiguity level for this simulation to calculate
potential bandwagon pressure. For boundary weakness
:param float proportion: The proportion of nodes from an alternate segment
B that are required to neighbor a given target
node from segment A (where A <union> B = {}).
For pressure point calculation.
:param str targetSegment: The attribute of the Graph `G` that identifies
the segment from which to determine weaknesses
and pressure points. Specify `periphery` for
trickle down diffusion and `core` for trickle
up diffusion.
:param bool addGraphAttrs: Augments the Graph `G` with node attributes
representing weaknesses and pressure points.
:param bool ignoreCache: Cause function to recalculate for the given
Graph `G` and update the cache accordingly.
:returns: A tuple of 2 lists, the first list contains the node IDs
that were identified as being boundary weaknesses, the
second contains node ID's of pressure points.
.. todo::
See if there's a way to automatically determine graph 'dirtyness' for
cache invalidation.
# cache the result for multiple calls
# WARNING: The results become invalid if the graph's edge configuration
# changes OR if the node attributes for I_i and A_i change!
global WPP_CACHE
cacheKey = (G,proportion,targetSegment)
if not ignoreCache and cacheKey in WPP_CACHE:
return WPP_CACHE[cacheKey]
# Segment 'A' nodes (targetSegment)
A = [n for n in G.nodes() if targetSegment in G.node[n]['segments']]
n_a = len(A) # number of nodes in A
n_b = G.number_of_nodes() - n_a # number of nodes not in A
for a_i in A:
# The set of neighbors of a_i not in the same segment
B_a_i = [n for n in G.neighbors(a_i) if targetSegment not in \
# Detect boundary weakness
if len(B_a_i) > 0:
Bc_ik = G.node[a_i]['I'] + (G.node[a_i]['A'] * \
if Bc_ik > 0:
if addGraphAttrs:
# Detect pressure point
tmp = n_b * proportion
if len(B_a_i) >= tmp:
if addGraphAttrs:
WPP_CACHE[cacheKey] = (weakNodes, pressurePointNodes)
return (weakNodes, pressurePointNodes)