# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 Christopher Kirkos. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Module to generate graph structures.
:Author: Christopher Kirkos
from __future__ import division
from stats import possibleTies
import random
from random import sample
import networkx as nx
import pygraphviz as pgv
from itertools import combinations, chain
import pylab
from pylab import plt
from warnings import filterwarnings, resetwarnings
from exceptions import RuntimeWarning
[docs]class DINetworkGenerator(object):
"""Abstract base class for DISim network generators. These objects
are iterators that return graph objects on each iteration."""
def __init__(self, n):
"""Construct the network generator object.
:param int n: The number of nodes in the network
self.n = n
def __iter__(self):
return self
[docs] def next(self):
raise NotImplementedError("The next() method should be overridden by"
"a subclass.")
[docs]class DICorePeriphNxGenerator(DINetworkGenerator):
"""Generates a core-periphery network like the one discussed in [AR1997]_
using NetworkX [HSS2008]_.
`"First set of simulations ... core-perphiphery networks with fully-linked
cores ... network density was varied by varying the number of network ties
beyond the core"` ([AR1997]_ p. 297).
The core of the network is completely connected and the edges with/between
the periphery are generated randomly.
def __init__(self, numCoreNodes, numPeriphNodes, pties, seed=None,
*args, **kwargs):
"""Construct the network generator object.
:param int numCoreNodes: The number of nodes in the Core (>0).
:param int numPeriphNodes: The number of nodes in the Periphery (>0).
:param int pties: The number of additional ties to generate in
the periphery.
:param int seed: A number to seed the random number generator.
assert(numCoreNodes>=0 and numPeriphNodes>=0 and pties>=0)
totNx,totCore,totPeriph = possibleTies(numCoreNodes+numPeriphNodes,
if pties > totPeriph:
raise Exception("Cannot create more ties than possible given"\
"number of nodes.")
n = numCoreNodes + numPeriphNodes
super(DICorePeriphNxGenerator, self).__init__(n, *args, **kwargs)
self.numCoreNodes = numCoreNodes
self.numPeriphNodes = numPeriphNodes
self.pties = pties
# customize random number generator seed value if desired
if not seed is None:
[docs] def next(self):
return generateARCorePeriph(self.numCoreNodes, self.numPeriphNodes,
[docs]def dissimilarProduct(A,B):
"""Generator for all combinations of 2 lists where the items are not the
return ((x,y) for x in A for y in B if x!=y)
[docs]def setDefaultNodeAttrs(G):
"""Helper function to set default attributes on a new network. This
funciton modifies the graph itself.
:param networkx.Graph G: A networkx Graph object.
for a in G.nodes():
G.node[a]['adopted'] = False
G.node[a]['influence'] = []
G.node[a]['weak'] = False
G.node[a]['ppoint'] = False
[docs]def generateARCorePeriph(numCoreNodes, numPeriphNodes, pties, show=False):
"""Generates a core-periphery network like the one discussed in [AR1997]_
using NetworkX [HSS2008]_.
*"First set of simulations ... core-perphiphery networks with fully-linked
cores ... network density was varied by varying the number of network ties
beyond the core"* ([AR1997]_ p. 297).
:param int numCoreNodes: The number of nodes in the Core (>0).
:param int numPeriphNodes: The number of nodes in the Periphery (>0).
:param int pties: The number of additional ties to generate in
the periphery.
assert(numCoreNodes>=0 and numPeriphNodes>=0)
# total number of nodes (n) in graph
n = numCoreNodes + numPeriphNodes
# Determine the number of core nodes, rounded to nearest int
#core = int(round(n*cpratio))
coreNodes = range(numCoreNodes)
periphNodes = range(numCoreNodes, n)
# Construct initial core network
#G = generators.complete_graph(core)
# manually generate complete graph
G = nx.empty_graph(numCoreNodes) # , create_using=nx.MultiGraph()
G.add_edges_from( combinations(coreNodes,2) )
for a in G.nodes():
G.add_nodes_from([(pn,{'segments':['periphery']}) for pn in periphNodes])
G.name="random core-periphery(%s)"%(n)
# iterator for all periph to core edges
pcedges = dissimilarProduct(periphNodes, coreNodes)
# iterator for all periph to periph edges
ppedges = dissimilarProduct(periphNodes, periphNodes)
allPotentialEdges = chain(pcedges, ppedges)
#sampEdges = sample(tuple(pcedges), pcties)
#sampEdges.extend(sample(tuple(ppedges), ppties))
# random sampling of edges to add
sampEdges = sample(tuple(allPotentialEdges), pties)
# add extra non-core (peripheral) edges to the network
if show:
return G
[docs]def drawAdoptionNetworkGV(G, writeFile=None, writePng=None):
"""Generates the GraphViz adoption network. Optionally writes the output
to DOT and/or PNG files.
This function expected the node attributes 'adopted' and 'influence' to be
pre-populated. If the 'adopted' attribute is True, the node is given a
different color, showing adoption visually. If the 'influence' attribute
contains a list of nodes that played a role in a given node's adoption,
then the edges from those nodes to the given target node is highlighted.
:param networkx.MultiGraph G: The networkx MultiGraph object. This object
should be pre-populated with node attributes.
A MultiGraph is needed because this function
augments the graph with additional edges to
represent information/influence flow visually.
:param str writeDot: The filename/path to which to save the DOT file.
:param str writePng: The filename/path to which to save the PNG file.
:return: pygraphviz.AGraph object augmented with style attributes.
# pygraphviz calls the graphviz subprocess and issues a warning from its
# output about node size. This output kills the console.
filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
#lightblue = "#CF2731"
green = "#41B428"
hotpurple = "#CF27CD"
yellow = "#CFC627"
#hotred = "#CF2731"
#medgrey = "#A4A4A4"
lightgrey = "#BBBBBB"
colorAdopted = "dodgerblue"
colorNonAdopted = "firebrick1"
# global default graph attributes
# gvGraph = nx.to_agraph(G)
gvGraph = pgv.AGraph(nx.to_agraph(G),strict=False) # method 1
#A=nx.to_agraph(nx.MultiGraph(G)) # method 2
gvGraph.graph_attr['outputorder']="edgesfirst" # draw nodes over edges
# global default node attributes
# global default edge attributes
coreNodes = [a for a in G.nodes() if 'core' in G.node[a]['segments']]
# creating a cluster subgraph will cause graphviz to group them visually
coreGraph = gvGraph.add_subgraph(coreNodes, "clusterCoreNodes")
# color nodes of the core a different border (not needed with fdp)
#for node in coreGraph.nodes():
# node.attr['label']="*"+node.title()+"*"
for edge in coreGraph.edges():
# set custom colors for nodes and edges
for node in gvGraph.nodes():
# set adopted node color
node.attr['fillcolor'] = colorAdopted \
if node.attr['adopted'] == "True" \
else colorNonAdopted
# set edge color of node influences
for ni in G.node[int(node)]['influence']:
# node influenced by ni
gvGraph.add_edge(ni, node,
weakTest = G.node[int(node)]['weak']==True
ppointTest = G.node[int(node)]['ppoint']==True
if weakTest and ppointTest:
node.attr['color'] = hotpurple
node.attr['penwidth'] = 4
elif weakTest:
node.attr['color'] = yellow
node.attr['penwidth'] = 3
elif ppointTest:
node.attr['color'] = green
node.attr['penwidth'] = 3
if writeFile != None:
if writePng != None:
gvGraph.draw(writePng, 'png', 'fdp') #neato twopi
return gvGraph
[docs]def drawAdoptionNetworkMPL(G, fnum=1, show=False, writeFile=None):
"""Draws the network to matplotlib, coloring the nodes based on adoption.
Looks for the node attribute 'adopted'. If the attribute is True, colors
the node a different color, showing adoption visually. This function assumes
that the node attributes have been pre-populated.
:param networkx.Graph G: Any NetworkX Graph object.
:param int fnum: The matplotlib figure number. Defaults to 1.
:param bool show:
:param str writeFile: A filename/path to save the figure image. If not
specified, no output file is written.
Gclean = G.subgraph([n for n in G.nodes() if n not in nx.isolates(G)])
plt.figure(num=fnum, figsize=(6,6))
# clear figure
# Blue ('b') node color for adopters, red ('r') for non-adopters.
nodecolors = ['b' if Gclean.node[n]['adopted'] else 'r' \
for n in Gclean.nodes()]
layout = nx.spring_layout(Gclean)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(Gclean, layout, node_size=80,
nx.draw_networkx_edges(Gclean, layout, alpha=0.5) # width=4
# TODO: Draw labels of Ii values. Maybe vary size of node.
# TODO: Color edges blue based on influences from neighbors
influenceEdges = []
for a in Gclean.nodes():
for n in Gclean.node[a]['influence']:
if len(influenceEdges)>0:
nx.draw_networkx_edges(Gclean, layout, alpha=0.5, width=5,
#some extra space around figure
if writeFile != None:
if show: